Ever been at work, school or wherever and been in the possession of a pen and a little bit of paper? Ever felt the urge to doodle whatever images come to mind? That's what Working Doodles is all about. Presented in ballpoint pen on thermal till roll for that genuine customer service role experience.
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Trevor the Skateboarding Mushroom
Friday, 25 December 2015
Sherlock Holmes faced his toughest case yet!
It's my Christmas special! Merry Christmas everyone!
As I did a drawing for the new guinea pigs I decided to do one for the hamster we had before them. He was a well educated hamster known as Professor Moriarty. I thought it would be fun seeing him up against his greatest rival.
As I did a drawing for the new guinea pigs I decided to do one for the hamster we had before them. He was a well educated hamster known as Professor Moriarty. I thought it would be fun seeing him up against his greatest rival.
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Back to the Guinea Pig Cage
Great Scott! So to round off the requests, I bring you the first of two requests from creatures that can't even speak the English required to make requests. Just in the nick of time, before 2015 ends I get to post the original version of my Doc and Marty drawing.
Earlier this year we got a couple of guinea pigs and, as it was 2015, named them Doc and Marty after the iconic characters of Back to the Future. A couple of months ago, on the day the characters arrive in the future in Back to the Future part II, I posted a final full colour version of this picture over on my other blog. Due to me having a large buffer and wanting to post the doodles in order though I'm only just getting round to posting the original here. Enjoy!
Earlier this year we got a couple of guinea pigs and, as it was 2015, named them Doc and Marty after the iconic characters of Back to the Future. A couple of months ago, on the day the characters arrive in the future in Back to the Future part II, I posted a final full colour version of this picture over on my other blog. Due to me having a large buffer and wanting to post the doodles in order though I'm only just getting round to posting the original here. Enjoy!
Monday, 21 December 2015
Christopher the Hedgehog REQUEST plus BONUS GUEST POST
Next up we have another guest post from regular listener, second time caller known simply as "G." You may have remembered his guest post from a while ago called "Be A Man," well this is his latest entry (which was literally phoned in, through good old fashioned MMS) known simply as "Young Adolf." Take in all of it's marvel through your eye sockets.
Friday, 18 December 2015
Happy Dog Receives Bad News REQUEST
It's David's very happy dog again, but this time he's receiving very bad news. Boy, it's difficult to stop that dog from smiling.
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Kung-Fu Duck REQUEST (With Helmet)
Request number 244 brings us to a request for Daniel. Daniel wanted a more traditional design of a Kung-Fu duck wearing a helmet. I went for a WWI style helmet and decided to shy away from the more traditional action shot style image you may associate with a more traditional Kung-Fu duck.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Homer Stalin REQUEST
Following on with our request binge we are taking a more political route than usual as Jamie wanted a picture of Homer Simpson as Stalin. I'm not sure exactly what this image is trying to say politically, probably nothing, but I'll let you all come to your own conclusions.
Remember, if anyone would like to see me draw a request for them just send me a message and you could see your vision come to life some time in the future.
Remember, if anyone would like to see me draw a request for them just send me a message and you could see your vision come to life some time in the future.
Friday, 11 December 2015
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
A Very Happy Dog REQUEST
First up in a series of requests comes a picture for David. He wanted a very happy dog I tried to figure out what would make a dog very happy.
Monday, 7 December 2015
Friday, 4 December 2015
Wasp's Bike
So in Scotland a wasp's nest is called a wasp's bike. I don't think it's known as this outside of Scotland though so that explanation may be necessary.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Blue Wail
Kicking off from our half century madness from the other day, one of the Blue Man Group has come to join us.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Special 50th episode!!!
My special 50th anniversary picture. Who would have thought I'd make it this far? Well, I have for a while, I'm actually ready to start on my 100th doodle but it'll be a while before you all see it.
I've tried to include a bit of all of my previous doodles in this one. View it full size and zoom a little if you must to see this in all it's detail. See if you can find your favourite doodle and/or see how many you can name without looking at the other episodes.
Just for those counting, this is number 50 if you don't include guest posts.
I've tried to include a bit of all of my previous doodles in this one. View it full size and zoom a little if you must to see this in all it's detail. See if you can find your favourite doodle and/or see how many you can name without looking at the other episodes.
Just for those counting, this is number 50 if you don't include guest posts.
Friday, 20 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Steve the Benidorm Man-Parrot
So this drawing marks the second time I've done a doodle based off of a fridge magnet. Back in February I was on holiday in Benidorm in Spain. It was an enjoyable holiday made only slightly better by the discovery of the bellow magnet. I had to buy it as soon as I saw it. At first glance it appears to be an ordinary anthropomorphised parrot but on closer inspection you can see that it has the very muscular body of a man wearing a violet sweat shirt. Characters that are half animal, half human have been around for a long time but usually they take the best parts of the animal and enhance the human somehow. Usually if you find a half human, half bird character it'll generally be a man who could fly, but not this creature, he's cursed with the muscular body of a human man but the head and feel of a parrot, can't even fly. I have no idea what the story behind this character is, I don't know if it's an official mascot in Spain or Benidorm or if it's just a random character someone came up with for a souvenir fridge magnet, but I like to make up my own stories and call him Steve.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Friday, 13 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Minimum Security Prism
Complete with a code I took note of that I've already used, but feel free to try it in things anyway.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Friday, 6 November 2015
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Hipster Charmander [Request]
This was a request made by Anthouligan (sorry for spelling your name wrong on the drawing, I just noticed) over on Tapastic. My knowledge of both Pokemon and hipsters is limited so I hope that I did both justice. This isn't a subject matter I would choose to do myself so I enjoyed the concept of doing a request (and I have a bunch more coming up) so if you'd like to request me to draw something for you feel free to send me a message. I warn you in advance though it will be a few months before you see it on screen as I have a pretty big buffer in place already.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Drunk Superheroes: Wonderwoman
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Drunk Superheroes: Wolverine
If you remember back to the Spiderman doodle (the first drunk superheroes) I told you a story of the origin of the drunk superheroes concept. I originally drew Spiderman and a friend of mine drew Wolverine. This is my recreation of the drawing he can't remember doing. Again using the red lines from the end of the till roll, this time representing the three claws of Wolverine.
Monday, 26 October 2015
Larry the Masochistic Cannibal
Friday, 23 October 2015
Porky the Poet
Porky the Poet is the alter ego of Phil Jupitus I've been to see him perform as Porky the Poet at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival the past few years. I seen him again this year back in August and decided to depict him as his alter ego for one of my doodles. Yes, I did draw this back in August, yes, that does mean I have a pretty big buffer on these and yes, his right hand is a little too big compared to the rest of him.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
The Killer Apple of Montenegro
Happy 21st of October 2015 everybody. I haven't uploaded a special doodle for the day (that will be coming eventually though, it's been done but I like to post these in order) but if you want a sneak peak of one I have posted a more elaborate finalised version of what I've done over on my other blog.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Hasta La Pizza
Friday, 16 October 2015
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Drunk Superheroes: Cyclops
You really need to be vigilant of those dangerous superpowers that are difficult to control. One wrong move and it could be disastrous.
Utilising the red mark on the till rol that lets you know when it's running out like I did back on "End of the Roll" again.
Utilising the red mark on the till rol that lets you know when it's running out like I did back on "End of the Roll" again.
Monday, 12 October 2015
Normal - Abnormal
Ever been shopping and there's a choice of carrier bag (or anything for that matter) and one is referred to as "normal," what's the alternative?
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Seal Clubbing
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Monday, 5 October 2015
Friday, 2 October 2015
Fred the Tortoise
Sometimes it can be hard to depict a character's expression accurately, especially when they are as complex emotionally as Fred here, but I think I managed to portray the turmoil perfectly here.
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Miley's Pushing her luck today.
Based on a true story.
Fun fact: This doodle was also drawn on the same piece as the previous part, which is why there's no black border all the way around.
Fun fact: This doodle was also drawn on the same piece as the previous part, which is why there's no black border all the way around.
Monday, 28 September 2015
Sarah the Arachnophobic Spider
So this is the first doodle I had to digitally alter due to me not knowing the word eisoptrophobic then spelling it wrong after looking it up. If I'd left it unaltered it just wouldn't have looked right and would have been difficult to understand what I was getting at. It's not the best editing ever either but it'll do the job.
Fun fact: This doodle was also drawn on the same piece as the next part, which is why there's no black border all the way around.
Fun fact: This doodle was also drawn on the same piece as the next part, which is why there's no black border all the way around.
Friday, 25 September 2015
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Drunk Superheroes: Batman Part 1
Monday, 21 September 2015
Spy Bear
Sometimes has difficulty hiding behind the trees, but lets face it, there aren't a lot of other spies in the woods to compete with.
Friday, 18 September 2015
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Monday, 14 September 2015
Guest Post! Be a Man
We have our first guest post today, drawn by a friend of mine known only as G. More from me in the next post.
Friday, 11 September 2015
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